Our Team

Maya Jain


Nothing gives me more joy than connecting two people or companies or ideas thereby making everyone involved happier, richer or more expanded.

It is why I decided to expand and reinvent Tyrian Purple from a print production consultant to a company that focuses on providing creative, joyful experiences which lead to growth.

This reinvention aligns with my personal purpose to hold space for people to express their needs, make meaningful connections and create opportunities for unique collaborations, so they may be authentic, innovative and vibrant individuals/business owners.

With nearly 20 years in the event industry (10+ of those in NYC!) working with luxury brands, PR firms, nonprofits and elite wedding planners nearly all my roles, from marketing assistant to Head of Sales, have been client-facing.
The kinds of clients who don’t just expect attention to detail and exacting standards, but they (and their substantial budgets) demand it. 
I’ve spent hundreds of hours in conversations with clients building relationships and “connecting the dots”. It is what lights my fire. The challenge of bringing together, up until that moment, complete strangers and creating value in a way that is just right for them. 

The other things that light my fire are food, road trips with my husband and volunteering as New York Chapter Chair for Wish Upon A Wedding. The things I’m working on are developing a consistent mindfulness practice and reading 50 books a year. 

Tyrian purple—the alchemy behind the opulence.

Tyrian purple, most commonly known as royal purple